Future Workforce Development in Energy Storage Workshop
Round Table Conversation with Tribal Colleges and Universities
Activities include presentations by DOE and National Laboratory researchers, panel presentations by TCU leadership, STEM faculty and strategic planning discussions. TCU Presidents, TCU STEM and workforce development faculty, National Laboratory & DOE research and administrative personnel and energy industry representatives are invited to attend. The desired outcomes are to establish the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Energy Storage Grand Challenge (ESGC) Work Force Development (ESGC-WFD) initiative as an information hub and bridge between communities, a convening body to kick-start and support meaningful and productive conversations among various stakeholders; ESGC-WFD can raise awareness of TCUs’ existing capabilities and unmet needs to other organizations within DOE; raise awareness among TCU leadership, STEM faculty and AIHEC of upcoming opportunities in this space, and potential for impacting WFD in Tribal communities and agree on next steps and schedule follow-up discussions.